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Judge Dismisses Psystar's Anti-Trust Counterclaim Against Apple
Tuesday November 18, 2008 04:51 PM EST
Written by arn
Mac News
A California judge has dismissed a counterclaim from Psystar which asserted that Apple was violating federal and state anti-trust laws in limiting the sale and use of Mac OS X on Apple branded computers..
But in a 19-page order passed down on Tuesday, Judge William Alsup largely reject Psystar's claims and granted Apple's motion to have the countersuit thrown out of court should the clone maker not better its argument through an amended complaint that can be filed no later than Monday December 8th.
AppleInsider notes that Psytar attempted to define a "Mac OS market" in which Apple held a monopoly. Apple, of course, successfully disputed this definition of a "market" with which the judge agreed.
"Apple asks its customers to purchase Mac OS knowing that it is to be used only with Apple computers," he wrote. "It is certainly entitled to do so."
Psystar is a small company which sells a Mac clone using off-the-shelf PC parts and a modified version of Mac OS X Leopard. Apple sued Psystar over these products and that case is still pending.
Tuesday November 18, 2008 04:51 PM EST
Written by arn
Mac News
A California judge has dismissed a counterclaim from Psystar which asserted that Apple was violating federal and state anti-trust laws in limiting the sale and use of Mac OS X on Apple branded computers..
But in a 19-page order passed down on Tuesday, Judge William Alsup largely reject Psystar's claims and granted Apple's motion to have the countersuit thrown out of court should the clone maker not better its argument through an amended complaint that can be filed no later than Monday December 8th.
AppleInsider notes that Psytar attempted to define a "Mac OS market" in which Apple held a monopoly. Apple, of course, successfully disputed this definition of a "market" with which the judge agreed.
"Apple asks its customers to purchase Mac OS knowing that it is to be used only with Apple computers," he wrote. "It is certainly entitled to do so."
Psystar is a small company which sells a Mac clone using off-the-shelf PC parts and a modified version of Mac OS X Leopard. Apple sued Psystar over these products and that case is still pending.
자..대충 무슨 내용인 즉, 애플이 자사 제품 운영체제인 OSX를 독점했다고 Mac Clone 컴퓨터를 만드는 회사가
애플을 상대로 고소를 했단다. 이게 쉽게 예를 들자면 무슨 꼴인고 하니, 내가 산 넓은 공터를 나 혼자 쓰겠다는데 그걸 지역 주민들이 독점했다고 소송을 거는거랑 같은거다. 엄연히 OSX는 애플사가 그 모든 권한을 가지고 있는 제품이다. 여기에 어떻게 "독점"이라는 개념이 통용될 수 있다는 말인지 이해가 안된다. 솔찍히 그 Psystar라는 회사가 참 웃긴회사 같다.
그렇다면 왜 MS는 독점이라는 법적 제재를 받는 것일까? 마이크로 소프트는 자사의 운영체제인 윈도우 시리즈를 가지고 개인용컴퓨터 시장의 90%를 점령하고 있다. 하나의 브랜드가 전체 시장을 장악하고 있는 것이다. 이런것이 바로 독점이다. 이번 경우처럼 특정 제품의 소유에 관련해서는 독점이란게 성립이 안된단는 말인 것이다.
쩝..이 정도는 상식 아닌가?
그럼 담 Psystar라는 회사는 어떤 회사?
얼마전에 Mac 클론 컴퓨터를 만들고 거기에 Mac OSX를 탑재해서 팔기 시작한 회사죠.
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