336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.
Angular JS 의 UI-grid를 쓰는 중이다.
UI-grid의 filter기능이 참 좋긴한데, filter값에 따라서 서버상에서의 데이터 출력이 달라저야 하는데,
angular의 service로 이를 구현해봤다..~~
별거 아니다..
그냥 까먹지 않기 위해서 정리해놓은거다...
Controller상에서의 Grid Option
$scope.restaurantGrid={ enableSorting:true, enableFiltering: true, enableRowHeaderSelection: false, multiSelect:false, paginationPageSizes:[10,25, 50,75], paginationPageSize:10, useExternalPagination: true, useExternalFiltering:true, columnDefs:[ {field:'supplierNo',visible:false}, {name:"Name",field:'name1', width:260}, {name:"Address", field:'address',width:'*'}, {name:"Zip Code",field:'zipcode1', width:160}, {name:"Location", field:'location', width:220}, {name:"Country", field:'country', width:240}, { name:"Category" , field:'category', width:150 } ], onRegisterApi:function(gridApi){ $scope.gridApi = gridApi; $scope.gridApi.pagination.on.paginationChanged( $scope, function( currentPage, pageSize){ var grid = this.grid; $scope.currentPage = currentPage; $log.debug("Length of Columns" + grid.columns.length); gridCustomService.filterToParameter(grid); getRestaurantList(currentPage, pageSize); }); } };
Service javascript file.
$scope.restaurantGrid={ enableSorting:true, enableFiltering: true, enableRowHeaderSelection: false, multiSelect:false, paginationPageSizes:[10,25, 50,75], paginationPageSize:10, useExternalPagination: true, useExternalFiltering:true, columnDefs:[ {field:'supplierNo',visible:false}, {name:"Name",field:'name1', width:260}, {name:"Address", field:'address',width:'*'}, {name:"Zip Code",field:'zipcode1', width:160}, {name:"Location", field:'location', width:220}, {name:"Country", field:'country', width:240}, { name:"Category" , field:'category', width:150 } ], onRegisterApi:function(gridApi){ $scope.gridApi = gridApi; $scope.gridApi.pagination.on.paginationChanged( $scope, function( currentPage, pageSize){ var grid = this.grid; $scope.currentPage = currentPage; $log.debug("Length of Columns" + grid.columns.length); gridCustomService.filterToParameter(grid); getRestaurantList(currentPage, pageSize); }); } };
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