
토익 RC 문제들...

Figo Kim 2013. 2. 19. 21:10

Senior creditors are required to be paid in full before juniorcreditors receive any payment __________ a bankruptcy law called absolute priority.

a) because

b) on acccount of

c) providing

d) as soon as

Answer : B

Hint : on account of ~~ --> because of

Ordinarily, I do not accept this kind of insolence, but ______________ you were under immense pressure I will make an exception this one time.

a) the moment

b) given that

c) then

d) while

Answer : given that

Voca : indolence --> being rude...

We need protection against borrower fallout risk on the morgate pipeline ___________ we're going to survive this recession.

a) if

b) owing to

c) should

d) though

Answer : A

ATC telecom is prepared to pay $3.35 a share _____________ that they know someone else, a major player in the industry, is interested in buying our company out.

a) except

b) so

d) such

d) now

Answer : D

Your job is safe while you take your one-year sabbatical; ______________ should you not want to come back, please le us know ASAP.

a) even if

b) however

c) barring

d) providing

Answer : B

The bank is prepared to offer us a short-term loan, 24 to 36 month, ______________ that we put our mortgage as collateral.

a) due to

b) nevertheless

c) whereas

d) providing

Answer : D